"As I got older, the symptoms got worse, I paid several 10 thousand forints to a doctor for the continuous placement of a Holter ECG, but then of course nothing happened again."


Dear WIWE Group!

My story in brief: From the age of about 14-15, I was overwhelmed by the tense feeling of a strange heartbeat, unfortunately not taken seriously by several doctors, because I was asymptomatic during the time they did an ECG. I was already starting to learn to live with the problem. But as I got older, the symptoms got worse, I paid several 10 thousand forints to a doctor for the continuous placement of a Holter ECG, but then of course nothing again.

That’s when I asked my cardiologist if there might be a device that could be rented or bought that could always be with me and when I felt in trouble, I could measure with it right away. Then He suggested Wiwe. I also bought it, and after about a week I managed to fix the problem several times, which soon led to an AVNRT ablation, which, thank God, solved the problem. The irony of fate is that after a similar life course for my wife, Wiwe also revealed her arrhythmia and she is also likely to be cured surgically in the near future.

We owe a lot to this little device, to whom I can always tell you about it, and I’ve taken measurements with several friends and family and encouraged me to pay close attention to you a little more. It is unfortunate that so many doctors and nurses don’t know anything about the device, let alone civilians with similar problems. I believe such stories can bring this wonderful invention closer to people. Or it could even motivate them to try and buy the device if a person who owes so much to WIWE talks to them about it.

Thank you for reading through it, although it is an abbreviated version of our simple Calvary and thank you for creating such an effective little tool!

Best regards: Zsolt Orbán and Klaudia Orbánné Kovács
